Share your Wealth. Direct Support.
Direct Support

Alka, 18 Jahre

„I want to become a successful working woman.“

Benötigte Dauerspenden:
800€ pro Jahr oder 66€ pro Monat
- Schulgebühren/ School fee

50€ pro Jahr - Material/ School books and study material

20€ pro Monat - Support for the family  

50€ pro Monat - Ausbildung der Geschwister/ Education programs for the siblings

Benötigte Einmalspenden:

500€ - Laptop

I am Alka. I live with my mother and two siblings in Bangalore. My father died when I was a baby. My mother works hard as a maid to feed us. But as soon as she has too much pain, which happens a lot, she can´t work. These days Corona makes everything hard. There is no social system to support us.
I grew up in a NGO for 10 years. They gave me the chance to be safe, healthy and to study in a good school. However, I had to leave in 2020 after finishing my 10th class. Now it is my dream to complete the last two years of school and to continue my studies after this. I am the only one in my family who ever went to school.

My dream is to become a successful working woman. Therefor, I want to finish college or university in business or management studies, to work as a manager. Organizing, taking on responsibility and to speak out for others has been my talent and passion since I am young. I want to make the best out of this in my professional life and earn a livelihood for my family as well. Some of my family members in Bangalore are garbage collectors, which is a very hard job with a low earning. There is no money left for my younger brother and sister to go to school or to learn a profession. Donations for them would mean that they can stop helping collecting garbage and start a brighter future.

Update, MARCH 2021

Alka attends the new school in Bangalore since September 2020. Since then she receives only best notes in all her exams. The first months she attended online. As the school is far from her home, she received a used scooter to reach there. Her mum got medical support for her health and feels better since then. They are still facing difficulties regarding their financial situation.